
Content Marketing

As expert storytellers, we craft content that demands to be read and is geared toward driving leads.

Kenneth Nygaard Knudsen
Founder & CEO

We are an integrated, full-service PR and marketing agency in the Nordics, founded on the principles of authority and integrity. Unlike other agencies, our team includes PR and marketing experts and former technology journalists, giving us a unique blend of skills that elevate our campaigns above expectations. We are committed to using our expertise to drive your success.

Content marketing funnel

We write content that works at every level of the marketing funnel, with the ultimate objective of generating actionable leads that grow your business.

Our proven strategy centers on valuable, insightful content that speaks directly to your customer’s wants and needs, and guides them on a journey through each stage of the funnel, from awareness to consideration and finally conversion.

Organic and paid distribution

All of our lead magnet content and campaigns are optimized for discovery via search, but we’re also experienced at structuring paid campaigns using industry-standard platforms, such as LinkedIn.

Audience-targeted content

The fundamental principle of creating content that works is that it must resonate with your audience – your target customer. If the content does not speak to your customer’s wants and needs and offer solutions to their problems, it won’t convert readers into actionable leads.

We go the extra mile to understand your customer at a deep level, so that we create content that attracts leads that convert to sales.

Lead generation campaigns

Writing great content is only one part of the puzzle; equally important is how to use this content in a campaign to generate leads.

One strategy is to employ a high-value piece of content as a lead magnet, where readers agree to share their valuable contact information in return for an eBook, report or whitepaper, for example. It goes without saying that for this strategy to be effective, the content on offer must be compelling.

All services for Content Marketing

Cases with these services

Content marketing funnel

We write content that works at every level of the marketing funnel, with the ultimate objective of generating actionable leads that grow your business.

Audience-targeted content

We go the extra mile to understand your customer at a deep level, so that we create content that attracts leads that convert to sales.

Lead generation campaigns

We employ a high-value piece of content as a lead magnet, where readers agree to share their valuable contact information in return for an eBook, report or whitepaper, for example.

Organic and paid distribution

All of our lead magnet content and campaigns are optimized for discovery via search, but we’re also experienced at structuring paid campaigns using industry-standard platforms, such as LinkedIn.

All services

Marketing and PR services with a unique journalistic-edge that delivers proven business success

Our blended team of experienced marketing and PR professionals, and former top-tier journalists, know what makes a great story. And we know how to use that story as a springboard to grow your sales and help your businesses thrive and become famous.

As an integrated, full-service marketing and PR agency, this unique mix of skills and expertise gives us the tools and levers needed to elevate your brand to the next level in the Nordics.

Kenneth Nygaard Knudsen
Founder & CEO
We know that telling a great story about your brand or product is the gateway to business success. And who better to create these stories than journalists themselves? In a nutshell, that’s what makes digitalPR unique.
  • Thought Leadership
  • Subject matter experts

  • Newsjacking

  • Bylined articles and pitching

  • Tracking industry trends

  • Media training

  • Nordic PR
  • Pan-Nordic approach

  • Strategy and messaging

  • PR campaigns

  • Product and promo reviews

  • Media training

  • Campaign measurement

  • Localization

  • Event management

  • Crisis communications

  • Digital Marketing
  • Digital strategy – connecting the dots

  • SEO

  • Google Ads and Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

  • Automation

  • Brand activation

  • Paid media

  • Paid social

  • Organic social

  • Community management

  • Pan-Nordic activities

  • Content Marketing
  • Content marketing funnel

  • Audience-targeted content

  • Lead generation campaigns

  • Organic and paid distribution

We know that telling a great story about your brand or product is the gateway to business success. And who better to create these stories than journalists themselves?